Am I the Problem? Attention in Crisis
I want to know what you pay attention to; where your attention floats and how it returns…
Attention Inventory
I am currently in a season where it feels time is slipping away at a pace I can barely process…
Sound and Static: On Feeling Stuck // Pt. 2
When I feel stuck, the air thickens and the space around me suffocates—sensations that feel like a signal. Humans are listening beings, receiving signals not simply with our ears but with our entire selves…
Sound and Static: On Feeling Stuck // Pt. 1
What does the change of seasons feel like in your body? As the Northern Hemisphere has transitioned out of hibernation into making new life, I'm feeling both a growing energetic warmth and the need to cleanse stagnation…
Sound Is Energy // Pt. 2
Sometimes I feel like my energy capacity is too small. I long to keep up with the pace surrounding me, and often lean toward hyper-productivity; yet I value and consistently practice presence…
Sound Is Energy // Pt. 1
As we move into a new year, we pause to reflect on the state of our energy: where it stands, where to place it, how it may be honored and renewed…
Sound Is a Medium for Connection
When I think of connection, I do not think of its need, its want, or its presence—I think of its quality…